
A Scintillating Conversation

According to the Nobel Prize post, it was said that “Charlie Chaplin was the only person in Hollywood Albert Einstein wanted to meet.”

In 1931, Mr Einstein got the opportunity to meet the biggest name of the silent film era during the premiere of the film CityLights in Los Angeles.

As expected, the meeting between the two geniuses led to some scintillating conversation. A memorable exchange from this conversation was shared by the Nobel Prize committee on Instagram:

“Einstein: ‘What I most admire about your art, is your universality. You don’t say a word, yet the world understands you!’

Chaplin: ‘True. But your glory is even greater! The whole world admires you, even though they don’t understand a word of what you say.'”

Pranabananda Das


Choose People Wisely

The easiest way of catching a flu is by hanging out with someone with a flu. The easiest way to catch bad habits is by hanging out with those with bad habits. Never underestimate the power of association because iron sharpens iron.

You can’t be different from those you closely associate with. Your association will determine your acceleration in life. You can be found with people who are going nowhere and expect to go somewhere.

It is important to mention though that it is not only the people you are found with that will influence you but the people you follow on social media, the songs you listen to, the books you read etc. Just because someone is an influencer doesn’t mean you should follow them. Learn to distinguish between a positive influencer and a negative influencer. Sadly many are bored in life and have no direction and are therefore looking for entertainment more than education. The truth is some of you have been found in bad situations because of negative influencers. Ask yourself if what you are learning from that person you are following is making you better or it’s just putting you under unnecessary pressure and competition. Ask yourself what you would lose if you unfollowed that person. Maybe you are just being used to make money for others.

People who don’t increase you will definitely reduce you. Choose people who inspire. Don’t follow blindly. In the long run it will be you that will be hurt.



How To Earn Respect!

1. Stop begging people all of the time.

2. Stop looking for who is not looking for you.

3.Don’t be a liability.

4. Don’t eat other people’s food more than they eat yours.

5. Reduce how you visit some people especially when they don’t show concern.

6. Invest in yourself. Make yourself happy.

7. Stop entertaining gossips.

8. Think before you talk. 80% of how people value you is what comes out of your mouth.

9. Be an achiever by getting busy with your goal.

10. Respect time.

11. Don’t stay in a relationship where you are constantly disrespected.

12. Be scarce sometimes.

13. Be a giver more than a receiver.

14. Learn how to spend money on yourself than how people will spend on you.

15. Don’t go to where you are not invited and when invited don’t over stay your welcome.

16. Treat people exactly the way they deserved.

17. Except they owe you money, two calls ATTEMPTS is enough if they value you they will call you back.

18. Be good at what you do. Be the best you can be.

19. Don’t envy people.

20. Always believe in God.

The King Kananelo Maila


A Short Valuable Story

A young girl asked an elderly woman:
“Do I really need friends in life?”

The elderly woman responded:
“Yes. Life is truly very rough. There should be someone by your side with whom you can talk for hours without feeling that they would judge you; on whose shoulders you can cry, one who will give you emotional support. When no one will be there for you, they should be there. One who should help you share the good times and overcome the difficult ones.”

The young girl asked:
“Is it true that a fake friend is more dangerous than an enemy?”

The elderly woman responded:
“Yes. It’s because you know who your enemy is and you’re not going to let them get close to you. But a false friend is pretending while getting your trust. They find out your vulnerabilities, your secrets and your dreams. They know which button to press and how to stab you in the back.”

The young girl asked:
“How do I avoid being surrounded by fake friends?”

The elderly woman paused for a short moment, then asked,
“Between a small garden and a forest, which one has more snakes and scorpions?”

The young girl responded:
“The forest, sure!”

The elderly woman smiled, and then said:
“Good! When you keep your circle of friends small like a small garden, the less snakes and scorpions you have to worry about, even rats. The fewer people you hang out with, the fewer problems you have to deal with. When I was young, I had a very big group of friends. But as I grew old and wise with experience, my circle of friends became smaller. I realized that quality outweighs quantity when it comes to friendship. Don’t fool yourself by holding onto the illusion that everyone is your friend. You may have numerous acquaintances, but real friends will always be just a few people you love and trust. The best way to prevent yourself from falling into the fake friend trap is by being more mindful about the size of your circle.”

Worth Sharing

munchies, snapbits

Be Good and Do Good

When the bird is alive, it eats the ants.” When the bird dies, the ants eat the bird. Time and circumstances can change at any time. Never devalue or hurt anyone in life. You may be strong today but remember that time is stronger than you! One tree makes a million matchsticks, and one matchstick can burn a million trees, so do not let one negative thing affect the millions of positive things in your life…

“So be good and do good”

Blessing Ifyweni Odor Chuks


Some Useless Facts You Need to Know

  1. When you become aware of your breath, it shifts from automatic mode to manual mode.
  2. Stare at the palm of your hand for 20 seconds, and it will feel warm.
  3. The swimming pool on the Titanic is still filled with water today.
  4. Death is not frightening because there are loved ones on both sides.
  5. Useless fact: the useless fact is before the colon.
  6. Karl Marx being a Marxist is just destiny.
  7. Items with an expiration date of one year are often thrown away on their birthdays.
  8. It hurt a lot when you bite your tongue accidentally, but isn’t as painful when you bite it intentionally.
  9. When you find a cockroach in your home, the cockroach also detects a person in its home.
  10. Except for water, there’s no food in the world with 0 calories.
  11. Wearing headphones for 1 hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.
  12. The oldest picture of you is also the youngest picture of you and vice versa. –Sunshine’s Fact World