The easiest way of catching a flu is by hanging out with someone with a flu. The easiest way to catch bad habits is by hanging out with those with bad habits. Never underestimate the power of association because iron sharpens iron.
You can’t be different from those you closely associate with. Your association will determine your acceleration in life. You can be found with people who are going nowhere and expect to go somewhere.
It is important to mention though that it is not only the people you are found with that will influence you but the people you follow on social media, the songs you listen to, the books you read etc. Just because someone is an influencer doesn’t mean you should follow them. Learn to distinguish between a positive influencer and a negative influencer. Sadly many are bored in life and have no direction and are therefore looking for entertainment more than education. The truth is some of you have been found in bad situations because of negative influencers. Ask yourself if what you are learning from that person you are following is making you better or it’s just putting you under unnecessary pressure and competition. Ask yourself what you would lose if you unfollowed that person. Maybe you are just being used to make money for others.
People who don’t increase you will definitely reduce you. Choose people who inspire. Don’t follow blindly. In the long run it will be you that will be hurt.