- When you become aware of your breath, it shifts from automatic mode to manual mode.
- Stare at the palm of your hand for 20 seconds, and it will feel warm.
- The swimming pool on the Titanic is still filled with water today.
- Death is not frightening because there are loved ones on both sides.
- Useless fact: the useless fact is before the colon.
- Karl Marx being a Marxist is just destiny.
- Items with an expiration date of one year are often thrown away on their birthdays.
- It hurt a lot when you bite your tongue accidentally, but isn’t as painful when you bite it intentionally.
- When you find a cockroach in your home, the cockroach also detects a person in its home.
- Except for water, there’s no food in the world with 0 calories.
- Wearing headphones for 1 hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.
- The oldest picture of you is also the youngest picture of you and vice versa. –Sunshine’s Fact World
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