If you want to be finished in this life, get friends who have no visions, not dreams no plans etc
Time is an investment and where you invest your Time is where you will get your returns. Imagine investing your time in friends whose only achievement is the growth in years? Well I don’t know if that qualifiers to be called an achievement.
Friendship is determined by who you are becoming not what you have been. If your friendship is not helping you develop in one way or the other then it’s high time you asked yourself if you really need it because the truth is you will never go beyond the friendships you interact with.
Remember Iron sharpens Irons. you cannot be different from those you closely associate with. Someone once said “I used to think making $10,000 a month was impossible until I met someone who makes $100, 000 a month then making $10,000 become easy”. Hang out with people who help you achieve your goals not crush them. Sometime in the past, Rolls Royce used to exhibit their cars near other cars and that made them look so expensive compared to other cars. They then came up with a marketing strategy and started exhibiting their cars near planes and yachts. Because of the high value of planes and yachts people did not mind paying for the Rolls Royce My question is who are you standing next to? If you are found with people going nowhere, can someone give you a contract? Definitely not.
Success is contagious so is poverty. The easiest way to catch a flue is by hanging around someone who has a flue. A drowning man will pull you down together with him. The type of people you sorround yourself with play a great role in determining what you get in life.
If you want to succeed in an endeavor, associate yourself with people who are already Successful in that endeavour. Warren Buffett once said ” it’s better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behaviour is better than yours and you will drift in that direction”.