There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world put together that is an idea whose time has come (Victor Hugo).
Many today have great ideas but they are waiting for the perfect moment or to perfect their idea before they can actually act on it. Andy Boynton author of the book “The Idea Hunter” said “The world is filled with ideas that can be useful”. It is true that Time and chance happen to us all under the sun. We will all at time all another have ideas that can help us move to the next level in our lives.
Having ideas is great but the most important thing is to act upon the ideas. Jim Rohn said ” Act when the idea is still hot or you will waste your wisdom.” It is true that everything starts with an idea but waiting till the right time can actually make you lose the idea. John C Maxwell said “Ideas have a short shelf life. You must act on them before the expiration date”.
Mark Zuckerberg further said ” Ideas don’t come out fully formed . You just have to start”. In May 1886, Dr. John S. Pemberton, a pharmacist in Atlanta, Georgia, created the syrup for Coca-Cola.He carried a jug of the new product down the street to Jacobs’ Pharmacy in Atlanta. There, it was sampled, pronounced “excellent” and placed on sale as a soda fountain drink for five cents a glass.
Dr. Pemberton’s bookkeeper, Frank Robinson, suggested the name “Coca-Cola” and penned the flowing script that is famous today. In 2022, Coca-Cola’s brand was valued at 97.9 billion U.S. dollars. It all started in 1886 with an idea which they kept improving on. One of the things that has been improved upon is the coca cola. In 1936 people said the can looked an engine oil container while others said it looked like an insecticide can. That did not stop the company from being focus and improving itself.
You may have an idea today which you feel can change the world but you are waiting for the perfect moment. Farmers who wait for the perfect weather never plant. Just start with whatever you have and focus on the step in front of you. You may not have it all but it will definitely get better as you move on. As Napoleon Hill said “Do not wait: the time will never be ‘just right’. Start where you stand, and work whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along